Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sunday at Byrons


Just a fast recap from Anna's point of view. I love the Carter family so much. I am glad that I can be a part of a family that enjoys being with each other. And just have fun.

Morgan we love you and will pray for your safe return.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Morgan! Hope you have a great day. We are going to the Temple this morning and then hope to sunbathe this afternoon! Ha, Ha! If we even find the sun today we will be happy. It rained almost solid yesterday and through out the night. Dad said his rain gauge said in the last couple of days thee had been an inch and that was before yesterday afternoon and last night. The farmers really needed mitsture but I think even they are saying enough! Let us know when you find out anything. Love you, even though having you kind of ruined my bikini days!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Food for Sunday Dinner

We are going to do a potato bar.

Clayton could you bring Cheese
Jared could you bring Bacon bits
Ruthann could you bring Desert
Calen could you bring Ham
Mackenzie could you bring Drinks
Karie could you bring

We look forward to seeing all of you at 6 on Sunday.

Friday, July 10, 2009

old photo

I was looking for a photo of Ray and look what I came across. It has been a few years how much the family has changed.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDPA!!!! Hope you get to kick back and relax and enjoy your day! We love you!
Love, Cash and Morgan and Desiree too

Dinner 19th of July

Hi! Just a fast note to all the family. We would like to have a family dinner at Byron & Anna's house July 19th @6:00 pm. If you need the address please let us know. As soon as we know for sure what we are eating we will give out food assignment. I have talked to a few of you already and hope to here from the rest soon so we have a count. This is not the dinner with Morgan and his family. This is just for fun.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Feeling isolated

For all of you who haven't read or heard why I don't call any of you -----my phone is dead, my e-mail doesn't work and I feel like I'm in outer Siberia! If you need to contact us call Dad on his cell phone. Sometimes he actually has it on and will answer. I told him he had to start leaving it with me.
Mom C.

IT'S A BOY!!!! We had our ultrasound today and found out we are having another boy - I am really going to be outnumbered! We are definitly excited and I think Cash will love having a little brother to run around with.

(We pulled this baby swing out for my sister to use for her little guy while she was here visiting and Cash has loved it - I hope he can learn to share it!)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4th In Idaho

4th of July in Idaho. What did other do for the forth?

Best way to look at fireworks.

BBQ on the 4th of July.

Drive in movie July 3ed. Brian & Karie
Byron & Anna. Anna was cold. Byron & Anna were the only ones to stay awake for both movies. Anna said it was to cold to sleep. She did make up for it the next morning sleeing in. She got up at 11:30 Half the day was gone.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Well we celebrated Canada Day so today we celebrated the US holiday. We invited Jane and Albert to go on a hike with us. I ran into my friend Jeannette the other day and she told us about a hike she had just been on and it sounded good so we decided to go. It was in the US just over the border in St. Mary's. We turned off the road that goes to Logan Pass, if that helps some of you. This was basically where we started out and walked along the lake trail to the end and then started to see the real beauty. It was so quite and peaceful as we walked along. And it wasn't really a hard or steep trail, but just enough ups and downs that you knew you were hiking. We took our time and just enjoyed it.
This was the first water falls we came to - Baring Falls. What a pretty little falls.

Of course we all had to have our picture taken.

The second falls we came to was St. Mary's Falls. Man that water just came pounding over the edge. It swirled around under the bridge we crossed and out the other side. If you fell in that you wouldn't have a chance. You could just feel the cool coming off it. Since I like it a bit cool I thought it was great.

As we kept on going to get to our final destination we passed several places where the water tumbled along. It was so beautiful. Jane and I took lots of opportunities to view the scenery and water. In other words we rested every so often!

Our final destination. What an exhilerating feeling. When I stood in that spot I could have stayed there for a long time. It was a warm day and the cool mist from the falls felt wonderful.

This was just down below where the other picture was taken. This falls was named Virginia Falls and it was well worth the hike. Absolutely Georgeous! Notice all the mist that comes from it.

When we got back to the road. I took this one. The white in about the middle picture by the pine tree is where we were. That is the falls. The hike was 3.1 miles in and then of course we had to come out. Happy Fourth of July!

And this says it all. We were ready to hit the road for home! Tired, a bit hungry, but what a great day we had!

As you are all aware July 1st is Canada Day as you can tell from my last blog. Well we celebrated in Mountain View, first with a great program that brought back a lot of reminicing, and then races at the school grounds. Therefor here are some pictures of some of your nieces and their great abilities!The first races were for 2 and under. Zoee (Rande's daughter) was off to a fast start picking up speed as she went. Even with her great prowess she didn't quite come in first, or second, or..... but she had a great time and got a candy prize - what more could any little girl want.
Next we had the 4 year olds and Halley sped down the course - and lost her shoe at the end which made her very unhappy. But every one who enters gets a prize so it's worth it.

Next was Amber (Paula's youngest). Of course were are in a higher age group and they have had experience with this sort of thing; she did great.

And then we haveRiley (Paula's oldest) Look at that determination on her face. She was so sweet - she made me a Canadian bead flag pin and gave it to me at the program so I wore it all day. She looks a lot like Paula I think.

And this cute guy is Michael's youngest boy, Luke. Look at that stride. Does it remind you of anyone in our family - like Jared when he played baseball? You have to give him credit. He did his bet.

Now we had a different kind of race. There had to be an adult man and 3 kids under 10. So Nolan was the adult and he had his two grand daughters and Zoee. We wanted Halley to do it but she was still upset about losing her shoe. We didn't know What they were going to do but they soon found out. Nolan was given a water bottle to put in his back pocket and down at the other end of the line the little ones were given a bucket of water and a small (like about 2 ounces) cup. They were to take turns filling the cup and running to their partner and pour the water in the bottle. Riley went first and did great, Amber was second and did a good job too - then little Zoe went - at a snails pace so she wouldn't spill the water and very carefully poured most of it in the bottle. Then Halley saw that looked fun so she took over Zoee's place. After awhile they called for the bottles to come up and see who had the most in it. We didn't win but I'm sure we were somewhere close behind. They had a great time doing it, and we had a ball watching. I think Nolan was just attentive to make sure he didn't get too much water on his pants.

Now we had a grandfather, Nolan, and granddaughter, Amber doing the water balloon toss. Look at the surprise and careful;ness she is using. They did it several times before it popped. I'm sure it was Nolan that didn't toss it good to her.

And then there was the egg race. The little ones (Halley) were supposed to carry the spoon by the end with the egg in it and run down to the end without touching it. Well Halley is smarter than that. She simply put her hand over the egg and ran for it and came in first. She knew how to keep that egg from falling out! For Rileys group they had to put the spoon in their mouth and their hands behind their back and run. She was one of the few whose egg didn't fall out but she never came in first either. What a riot.
So goes the fun at a Canada Day celebration in Mountain View. Wish you could all experience it. After the races and egg tosses etc. there was BBQ beef and beans to buy and enjoy. We had a great time. We then went to Waterton to see what was going on and ran into Fae and Russell and talked to them for awhile. Then came back to town and visited Dad and then went home for some R & R. They had fireworks at the park but your dad doesn't like to watch them so we went to bed!