Monday, September 28, 2009

Wendover Concert

Saturday Clay and I went to Wendover and saw Charlie Pride in concert. I know some of you are asking who? But he was basically the first black country western singer and he won back to back entertainer of the year in the 70's. And any of you know I love country western singers. anyway it was a great concert and us and the l 75% plus of the older generation (that the audience was composed of) loved it. A big thanks to Shannan and Jared for the great Mother's Day gift.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


No picture but info. I'm almost through with my long term sub position and am counting down the days. My life has been non existant the last two months. I love the kids but now I remember why I retired - so I could relax. I'm not sure if my last day is Oct. 7th or 9th. I'm looking forward to next week and our two days off for fall break. I will be going to St. George to watch dad run the marathon. i was thinking the other day of when we went and took all you little ones or sometimes left some of you home with the older kids. We always enjoyed taking those who got to go. And this year we will be taking Desiree and Cash - seems like yesterday that Morgan was a baby and we took him. How time marches on. Hopefully we will get some good pictures and can post some when I get finished teaching. Love you all, Mom

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Thought I'd better add something to the family blog. On Sunday Mackenzie and Trininty came over for dinner (and Byron's family too). After dinner we took Cash and Trinity for a walk - well they took us for a walk. Whoever thought the wagon was a good idea??!!!! They had so much fun pushing and pulling the wagon and neither seemed to notice that they didn't even have shoes on. I bet they walked the wagon 90% of our walk. They loved playing with the goats, ducks and turkeys too! They got along great until Trinity got a hold of one of Cash's toys - it's a good thing he has a brother coming soon. Everything is going great with the pregnancy and the doctor will induce me on Nov 6 if he hasn't already come. (I don't know if it's high hopes or what but I don't think he will wait til the 6th). Morgan is doing great and loves his job over there. He says if we could just be there with him it would be perfect (I'm sure other than the mortars coming over the walls). He would love to hear from any/all of you. His email is

Saturday, September 12, 2009

It is time to here from other branches of the Carter family tree. The last two post came from The B.A. branch. We know this tree has more then one branch. So lets here from you. We miss all of you. And this helps us all know what is going on it the family.
Mom & Dad you are the top of the tree and we don't know if you are here or there or anywhere.
With Love
B.A. branch.

before and after HGC Program

Byron lost 30 or 35 lbs I am not for sure. He is looking great. I have never seen him this thin and we have be married for almost 17 years. He is now under 200. He is riding his bike again. When you are on HGC they ask you not to work out very much. But now that he is done with that he is off and riding and keeping up better then he did before. I do love him very much. He is wonderful I know I married the best Carter guy.