Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We Went to the Zoo Saturday she just loved the Monkeys and Giraffes (POOR INNOCENT GIRAFFES :( Let them Live!!!) SHE LOVED the BIRDS the best. If I didn't hold Trinity back she would have ran off with them (look what you have done Gramdma!!!) All in all it was a very good weekend!!!

What a fun weekend at the Monthey House!!! On Friday we laid new sod, as you can tell by the before and after pic, Trinity loves it sooo much, she can run around barefoot without having to worry about bull thornes grabbing her feet.


C&R Carter Family said...

Some fun week-end. So glad you got the sod in so Trinity can play outside without the thorns. The zoo also looks like fun. I'm glad I taught her how to go after the birds!

Mom C.

humming fun said...

So did you do any hunting at the Zoo? Oh wrong family:)